Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance Walkthrough

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By Doug Radcliffe Design by Collin OguroEvil has once again returned to the city of Baldur's Gate. Black Isle Studios' Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2 duplicates the original's role-playing action hack-and-slash gameplay with enhancements including additional character classes, more feats, and magical item creation.This GameSpot game guide for Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2 includes:. Character Classes: This section provides an overview of the five heroes of Baldur's Gate: the barbarian, the monk, the necromancer, the rogue, and the cleric. Feats: Look here for a complete list of all available feats, including each character's 'bonus' feats. You'll find skill point requirements and benefits for each feat level.

Item Creation: This section reveals bonuses provided by each gem type for use when creating your powerful magic weaponry, armor, and jewelry. Walk-through: A complete walkthrough of Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2 featuring story quests, optional quests, and rewards. The walkthrough also includes details on the unique class quests found in the third act.

Baldur S Gate Dark Alliance Walkthrough Ps2

Cheats and Secrets: Check here for level-up, bonus gold, map warp, and invincibility codes for both the PlayStation 2 and Xbox versions of Dark Alliance 2. Chapter 1 - Character ClassesBaldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2 improves on its original by increasing the number of playable character classes from three to five. Players choose from a barbarian, monk, necromancer, rogue, and cleric.Attributes and feats define the character classes. Each character class uses the same six attributes but in different initial configurations. Also, the character classes share similar feats; however, there are many feats unique to each class that focus the class' specific strengths.The six attributes are:Strength measures your character's physical power.

It affects melee damage, chance to hit in melee, and how much weight the character can carry. Strength should be an emphasis of any character using melee weapons as their primary attack. The strength attributes adds +1 melee to hit and +1 to damage per every two points over 10.Dexterity gauges your character's hand-eye coordination, agility, reflexes, etc. This attribute affects your chance to hit using ranged weaponry, damage with ranged weaponry, and increased armor class. Dexterity should be an emphasis on characters using ranged weaponry as their primary attack. The dexterity attribute adds +1 ranged to hit and +1 to armor class per every two points over 10.Constitution measures your character's health and stamina. Higher constitution means higher hit points and faster hit point regeneration.

Obviously constitution is important for every character and this attribute can be either aided or countered with feats that also improve hit points as well as health potions. The constitution attribute adds +1 hit point per level per two points over 10 and also supplies faster hit point regeneration.Intelligence measures your character's leaning skills, which deals with your character's ability to utilize magic. The higher the intelligence, the faster your character's magic energy regenerates, the more energy gained for each level advanced, and the greater damage from spells. This primarily benefits spellcasters, such as the necromancer, but realize that all classes have 'spells' that consume magic energy (like the barbarian's Cleave, for instance). Intelligence attribute adds +5 to magic energy per two points over 10.Wisdom reveals your character's 'willpower, common sense, and perception'.

Baldur gate dark alliance 2 walkthrough part 1

This translates to experience points in the game. Thus a character with higher wisdom gains experience at a faster rate. This can be beneficial to any character, though you'll likely want to focus on other attributes that are more focused on your character. The wisdom attribute adds a +5% earned experience per two points over 10.Charisma measures your character's personality. This translates to how your character interacts with the merchant. My stupid boss. The higher your charisma, the cheaper the goods you hope to buy and the more gold you receive from the goods you hope to sell.

The charisma attribute adds a +5% bonus to store buy and sell values per two points over 10.Dorn Redbear, the Human BarbarianThe barbarian class is for the player who wants to battle toe-to-toe with the game's toughest creatures. The barbarian excels in melee combat, which is exemplified by his starting attributes. He has the greatest starting strength and excellent constitution, which provides additional hit points per level.A sturdy barbarian should acquire the Hero's Arm feat, which allows the barbarian to wield a great weapon (normally requiring two hands) in just a single hand. This gives the barbarian two great weapons.

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Use skill points to elevate two-hand fighting and great weapon focus to increase your melee abilities. Get at least one point in Cleave as it's the barbarians' only area effect attack. Sunder lowers your enemies' armor class.