How To World Conquest Eu4

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I have been attempting to unite the world under one tag in EU4 with moderate success, doing a few test runs recreating the Roman Empire as an orthodox Ottomans and getting the Mare Nostrum achievement. But as much as the world trembles before the awesome culture and religion shifting powers of the Great Green Blob, they don't exactly have the optimal set of national ideas to undertake global dominion.Aside from making a custom nation, which country in the game would have the best possible shot in terms of total development and national ideas at creating a worldwide government, be it formable or otherwise? The easiest is catholic Ottoman. Become Emperor of the HRE and get a vassal swarm to conquer the world for you.I don't understand, why you would say the Ottomans are not a good choice for world conquest. Ever since the game was released, they've been the #1 choice.While going for catholic makes it easiest an orthodox or even sunni Ottoman is still very much capable of world conquest.They have three key adavantages over basically any other nation:.Between increased manpower-recovery, reduced core creation cost and massive force limit, they have a very good set of national ideas.

This was even nerfed, the Ghazi idea used to give +50% recovery speed.They are one of the most powerful nations at the start.Their position is uniquely suited to keep conquering all the time. Catholic Ottoman should be good, Coptic Ottoman is also a good option (more CCR) if you are not opposed to a little exploit to start the game with the Westphalia peace.To convert Ottoman, you can check FlorryWorry videos for more detail, but basically, you take some provinces the religion you want to convert, give them to the Dhimmi, then you piss off the Dhimmi and remove the provinces from them, generating religious rebels.Let the Rebels roam free (stopping paying for your forts), while you are at war with an opm, they will convert all your provinces for free. Once they occupy enough provinces, break to them.Being at war with an Opm prevent them to force break your country before they finished converting.France is another very good choice, especially if you can quickly force pu over Aragon or Castille. I would argue that christian Ottomans is not the best choice due to these lose the Ottoman government type when you switch religion. Their unique government gives access to awesome heirs and make regency almost a 0-chance scenario.

You can also focus your heirs to have high admin, so you can core much faster.The main reason for going christian - is HRE and annexing Europe. That's the hard way. Consider the opportunity cost - it's much easier at the start of the game to go east and south, conquer rich lands in Africa and Asia, exploit the spice islands. Instead you are forcing yourself to fight against major European powers.But regular Muslim-Humanist Ottomans with lots of Janissary, with lots of Dhimmi for taxation and tech cost and religious tolerance, - this is an unstoppable steamroll. I urge you to try it this way. This was my way of doing my WC. You really overestimate how difficult it is to become Emperor as Ottomans.

It boils down to conquering a few catholic provinces from Bosnia, triggering Dhimmi rebelleions in there and let them convert your country. You will be nearly completely catholic and the HRE is willing to vote you emperor, because you are so strong.

Entirely possible to do this by 1470. Meanwhile you can do the usual conquests.

The two main reasons, why this is easiest are: 1) you do not have to conquer the HRE, which takes a very long time 2) you get vassals to conquer for you, i.e. You don't have to do much in wars.–Feb 16 '18 at 11:19. Simple, the religous war never triggers. Once you get the Erbkaisertum reform, the religous leagues will no longer trigger. As to how you can quickly get the necessary authority? You are the Ottomans, you can conquer the entire balkan region and other eastern european holdings, then add those to the empire. Each added province is worth 1 IA.

Additionally, you can abdicate as often as possible for the +10 bonus for the succession. Getting the necessary 400-500 IA for the six reforms is quite possible in 70 years.–Feb 19 '18 at 11:21.

How To World Conquest Eu4

EU4 World Conquest TipsOk, so a lot people online say it's not possible. Just like a lot of people say it's not possible for England to win the Hundred Year War that starts at 1444. But it is possible to win the Hundred Year War as England and to get an instant Personal Union with France. And this is probably the best way to start your World Conquest. Tip1: Learn to use Personal UnionsPersonal Unions are a very powerful way to expand your nation. AI gets only a little angry at you, you can take big chunks of land quick and you have an ally in your wars.How do Personal Unions work?A Personal Union is a bond between nations where one monarch rules over two countries. The country leading the union (the senior partner) gains the throne and dominates the country who lost their monarch, (the junior partner).

How to world conquest eu4 mods

The junior partner will always join your battle's and fight for you. You also get a certain amount of income, money, from your Personal Union.How do you get a Personal Union?The first step is to get a royal marriage with the nation you want a Personal Union with. Next you can either wait to get extremely lucky or force a Personal Union.

If you wait and the king of the nation you have a Personal Union with dies without a heir and you have high prestige then you can inherit there nation in a Personal Union. But like I said, you have to get extremely lucky and you want world conquest so have no time to wait for that. Instead you wait for the nation you want to take to have no heir and you claim their throne. This can be done in the diplomacy window. Next you attack them with the casus belli you just got from claiming the throne. If you win the war you can force them to be in a personal union with them. Get some strong allies first and make them do the fighting, that’s always better.

How To World Conquest Eu4 Map

With this method you can take over a lot of big nations.However beware!Once you get a Personal Union you will have to improve you relation with your new junior partner. Because every time your king dies and your heir takes the throne the game will check if you have a positive relation with your junior partner. If you do, the Personal Union continues, if you don’t, the Personal Union ends! If you force a Personal Union then you junior partner will start the Personal Union with negative relations towards you because you just fought in a war against each other. Battlefront 2 online co op campaign. Getting the relations to positive will take about 7 years. So make sure your current king is not to old, and can live for at least 7 more years.After 50 years of Personal Union with a nation you can integrate them into your nation and finally take their land.

With cores and everything already there for you.