Yi Ti Game Of Thrones

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Asshai, or Asshai-by-the-Shadow, is a city of lying almost six thousand miles south-east of, on the far side of the. It is a great seaport on the eastern coast of the, lying at the mouth of the. It lies south-east of, south-west of the forbidding and north of the mysterious land of.

Yi ti five forts

The coastlands north and east of the city are infested with.Asshai is also a trading destination for ships. The city exports goods like amber and.PeopleThe people of Asshai are known as Asshai'i. They are often confused with the people of the adjacent Shadow Lands, but can be told apart as natives of the Shadow almost always go masked in public.The have considered riding to Asshai to sack it, but the distance is immense and they fear the ghost grass, which they think will one day consume the entire world.Notable people from Asshai are, a Red Priestess working with, and Quaithe of the Shadow.References.

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A large bay of off the coast of northern. It contains a few islands. Are to the southwest and are to the south.a road travels north from and then heads east through to, which lies on the eastern side of the mountain range. It appears to then travel around and north to and west of.a continent which lies to the south of and in and to the east of.

It is separated from. The island of is located in the straits between. Almost nothing is known about, other than its location and that it is covered in dense jungle.

A sea that lies in eastern, along the southeastern border of and south of. It is also east of. Stretch along the southeastern tip of the sea. Is on the eastern side of, as well as the city of. Lie at the northwestern edge of the sea.a sea nestled in the southeastern stretches of in far eastern.

Is located along the northwestern shore of, while is situated at the southeastern corner. Southwest of are.a large body of water located in the far east of the explored world, beyond, which separate it from. There is a traders' route that carries sea-traders around. It takes roughly two years to travel from to and back.a strait that separate from several islands to the south and west. Along with north of, divide. And are to the northwest of the Straits, while is to the southeast.the eastern exit of, dividing.

The city of is at its northwestern entrance. North of the straits are, while is to the south. The island of is to the east.situated in eastern.

It lies east of, north of, and south of. A large island across. It separates to the west from to the east. West of is and, while to the south is. East of the great island is and, in to the north, is.

The northern half of is a mixture of plains, hills, and small forests, while the southern half of the island is densely forested. The city of is located on the island.an island in south of and southeast of. The island contains the city of on its northern shore.

Northeast of is.a small island in off the southern coast of. Is found east of and northwest of. Northeast of is in.a large island in, off the southern coast of. To the north is the city of in. East of are, while to the south are.

The island of is to the southwest. Is a forested island containing the cities of along the northern coast, along the central western coast, and along the southern shore.a forested island in, west of and and northeast of. Is located northeast of in.a group of seven small islands in, off the southern coast of. The islands of and are to the north and west, respectively. East of are and.a crescent-shaped island in, off the southern coast of. There are two smaller islands within the curvature of.

West of are,. Additionally, and are east of. The city of in is to the north across.an extensive archipelago in off the northern coast of. To the southwest are, to the south is and, and to the southeast is.an island which lies in, between.

Yi Ti Game Of Thrones Map

An unnamed ruined settlement is located slightly inland from the northern shore. It is the easternmost island in.