Tao Hang Loat Ma Qr Code Trong Excel

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Tao Hang Loat Ma Qr Code Trong Excel 2016

Microsoft SQL Server is shipped with powerful, stable and predictable working environment - SSMS. Native Sql Server Management Studio connection dialog allows you to choose the color of the status bar, when initiating new connecting to the database, however, this color remainspermanent even if your connection changes. SSMSBoost solves this problem: when adding you can specify an appropriate color for SERVER or SERVER/DATABASE.SSMSBoost will tracks then connection changes and applies most specific matching color to the status bar. Most common usage can be 'Red' status bar for your live system and 'Green'for test database.Important Database alert. SQL Server Management Studio currently lacks a feature present in other Visual Studio Editors - 'go to definition'.SSMSBoost plug-in solves this problem by adding a tool what you need: Script object located at the cursor position to a new window.You can invoke this feature by.

Tao Hang Loat Ma Qr Code Trong Excel

pressing Keyboard Shortcut F2. right-clicking the identifier and selecting 'Script object' from the context menuSSMSBoost performs search for valid identifiers at cursor location and allows you to select, which one you want to script. If you select part of the identifier - SSMSBoost will perform no search and willuse selected text as object identifier.If you would like to change the default Keyboard Shortcut for the 'Script Object' feature you can do that using Shortcuts Editor feature of SSMSBoost (required only in SSMS 2008 as far as SSMS 2012 hasbuilt-in shortcuts editor).By default objects will be scripted as CREATE.

If you want to generate ALTER scripts you can use 'Script as ALTER' command also provided by our add-in. Use Extras-Settings-'Shortcuts & Macros' to redefineF2 shortcut to this command.Additional Scripting options for SQL objects scripting. Locate object in Object Explorer located at cursor position directly from SQL Editor.Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl-F2An often need is to know more information about object under the cursor: its columns, parameters (for function or procedure), other properties.If a database has hundreds of objects, locating an object in the Object Explorer can take some time. SSMSBoost allows to locate object in seconds!Just place the cursor on the identifier and. press Keyboard Shortcut Ctrl-F2. right-click the identifier and select 'Locate object' from the context menuSSMSBoost performs search for valid identifiers at cursor location and allows you to select, whichone you want to locate.

If you select part of the identifier - SSMSBoost will performno search and will use selected text as object identifier.Object fill be focused in Object Explorer and it's node will be expanded. So that you can easilyaccess it's properties and, for example, drag-n-drop parameters of stored procedure into SQL Editor window.If you want to change the default Keyboard Shortcut of 'Locate object' feature you cando that using other feature of SSMSBoost - Shortcuts editor (needed only in SSMS2008, as far as SSMS 2012 and later versions finally have built-in shortcuts editor)Track current database. We have received a lot of user requests to implement 'Run current SQL statement' functionality, because finding and selecting the boundaries ofthe current SQL Statement to perform 'Run selected statement' requires several keyboard strokes or mouse clicks and is time-consuming.We have implemented 'Select current statement' (Shift-F5), which, followed by 'Execute' (F5), gives you desired 'Run current statement' functionality in SSMS Query editor.The reason we did not implement direct 'Run current statement' command is to save you from fatal errors. You have the last chance to reviewthe statement boundaries automatically detected by parser, before hitting final 'F5'.Jump between matching BEGIN/END tokens. This functionality allows to Jump to BEGIN or END of the current block or jumping between corresponding BEGIN/END tokens. To activate the function,select corresponding command in SQL Editor context menu.Note, that you can also use universal 'JUMP' shortcuts Ctrl+Shift-Up Arrow to navigate 'UP' (to BEGIN) orCtrl+Shift-Down Arrow to navigate 'Down' (to END).

These shortcuts are shared withfunctionality andact depending on current cursor placement.Jump between COLUMN/VALUE within INSERT statement. When editing large INSERT statements with big number of involved columns, it is useful to know to corresponding COLUMN of currently edited VALUEor, vise-versa: sometimes you want to locate corresponding VALUE within values list for current COLUMN. Here is the solution: use 'Jump between COLUMN and VALUE'command in SQL Editor context menu.Note, that you can also use universal 'JUMP' shortcuts Ctrl+Shift-Up Arrow to navigate 'UP' (from VALUE to COLUMN) orCtrl+Shift-Down Arrow to navigate 'Down' (from COLUMN to VALUE). These shortcuts are shared withfunctionality and act depending on current cursor placement.Comment/Uncomment selection. SSMSBoost adds the possibility to use common regions syntax-#region Name-#endregionin SQL Editor. Regions will be recognized and processed by our add-in and expand/collapse symbols will be added near region head.Regions functionality is available through SSMSBoost toolbar-RegionsFollowing commands are available.

Create region creates unnamed region. If you run it when some part of code is selected - it will be wrapped into newly created region.

Create named region creates region, asking for name. If you run it when some part of code is selected - it will be wrapped into newly created region. Reparse/Refresh regions forces re-processing of current document.

All regions will be newly created.This can be necessary, if you are doing massive changes to the document. Regions are parsed automatically when script is being opened in editor.Make sure you check SSMSBoost Settings-Regions for fine-tuning options. For example, you can customize region start and end tokens.Format SQL Code. SSMSBoost allows to format SQL Code using two different formatting engines.SSMSBoost formatting engineSSMSBoost formatting engine offers a wide variety of options.

Copying data from Results grid to Excel via built-in Ctrl-C command results in loss of data type information. Excel needs to analyze inserted data and to 'guess' it's type and regionalsettings.SSMSBoost allows you to copy Results Grid data in XML Spreadsheet format, preserving data type and precision information. Strings remain Strings, DateTime remains DateTime and Numericand Money data keep their precision and scale.If you like this feature, make sure you read about feature: it is much more flexible and customizable and designed to output really bit amounts of data.Find in Results Grid. Find in Results Grid allows you to search for values in current grid, all grids or selected block of data. Search using wildcards. Search option allow to define search range, search tolerance and search order.

Double-click search result to navigate to corresponding cell. Search results offer a wide variety of options: copy cell data, preview data, focus matched cell. You can always press Ctrl-F in SSMS Results Grid to start Data/Column search. Both windows have a quick switch button on the bottom. Quickly switch to dialog, using button at the bottomPictures below show initial view and multiple results representation.You make SSMSBoost select found cells in Results Grid to script them or perform subsequent search within selection.Find column in Results Grid. SSMSBoost offers search for columns in all currently displayed Results Grids (there can be several result sets returned by query).

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Search using wildcards. Double-click the column to focus it in the corresponding grid. Select column name in results and press CTRL-C to copy it's name. Column data type, precision and NULLability are displayed in results set. Yes - now you know exact data types of the result set. Quickly switch to dialog, using button at the bottom.

You can always press Ctrl-F in SSMS Results Grid to start Data/Column search. Both windows have a quick switch button on the bottom.Note, that this is dockable windows pane, that you can doc exactly as other SSMS panes and it will remember it's location. On first use you have to find a suitable place for this useful window in your SSMS environment.Copy Results Grid Headers (Column Names). If SQL Query outputs long strings of data (for example from TEXT, NTEXT, VARCHAR or NVARCHAR fields) SQL Server Management Studio truncates themwhen outputting to Results Grid. Truncated string will be also copied to clipboard, if you use native copy command.SSMSBoost introduces 'Copy current cell 1:1' command: select cell you want to view/copy, open context menu - 'Copy current cell 1:1' and full datawill be copied to clipboard - all bytes and without any modifications.Copy as SQL values ListYou have some dataset in Results Grid and want to add a filter to your query, based on ID's from several rows. If you just select and copy them,every value will be on new line, and String and DateTime values will not be in 'ready to use' format. SSMSBoost allows to speed-up the process: just select'Copy as SQL Values list' from context menus and you get a ready-to-use comma-separated list of values, that you can paste into your 'WHERE' statement.

Feature allows to export & view files or some big amounts of text or XML data from tables (like files from document storage of sharepoint services).Required data should be simply output to Results Grid. By right-clicking the cell with required value and selecting 'Visualize As.'

You can tell to save datato file with predefined name and open it with custom or default application. No matter that SSMS truncates long data from VARBINARY/VARCHAR fields when displayingthem in Results Grid: SSMSBoost works with internal storage of SSMS and extracts complete cell value. Below you can see how a picture from LargePhoto field ofProduction.ProductPhoto table from AdventureWorks database is being visualized:There is actually no magic: in Settings dialog you can configure list of Visualizers. You define Visualizer name, file extension for saving data and also an application,used to open saved files. If you leave Application path empty SSMSBoost will perform 'Shell.Open' - forcing windows to open file using associated application.There is a trick for using this feature: if your field keeps images of different types like.bmp,.png,.jpg, etc., then you do not have to define own visualizer per type.Just define visualizer 'Picture' and extension to save '.pic'.

Then associate in Windows.pic with windows picture viewer. Picture viewer will analyze contents of.pic anddisplay image correctly, no matter if it is.jpg or.bmp. This trick might also work with other picture viewers or other programs.Recent Connections - connections history in SSMS.

Optional: If you want to make it super easy, draw a Dot with a whiteboard marker on your screen. Kingdom come deliverance best place to sell bows. Becaus the crosshair is gone in archery mode.

SSMSBoost keeps track of connection history and allows to access it in 2 ways:. Using drop-down on the toolbar:. Using Recent-Pick recent connection command on the toolbar, which shows list of recent connections. Using this list, you can just connectto any of listed connections or promote recent connection to.

If you tick'freeze' option for any connection it will remain in list for unlimited timeMake sure you check SSMSBoost Settings-Recent Connections for fine-tuning options.Recent Tabs. Recent Tabs feature keeps track of currently opened documents. SSMSBoost remembers documentnames and their connections. SSMSBoost keeps a track of your working environment and remembers which document were opened.

In case of unexpected reboot or crash you have the possibilityto restore last session or restore one of previous sessions completely or partially. This includes restoring all saved (with filename)and unsaved (QueryN.sql) documents, including their connections.You will wind Restore last session and Pick recent session commands on the SSMSBoost toolbar under Recent menu.Here is how Pick recent session dialog looks like:Make sure you check SSMSBoost Settings-Recent Tabs for fine-tuning options. These settings affect not only Sessions, but also functionality.SQL Editor contents history: Infinite UNDO possibility.

SSMSBoost regularly makes backup snapshots of currently opened document to disk, providing you with the possibility to get back to olderversions of your work in future. It is not only 'backup copy', it is modification history (sometimes you want to restore some specific version of your script).The feature is disk-size optimized: No data will be written if there were no changes since the last snapshot.History is saved on disk in simple text format, however, we have added advanced search functionality, that allows you to search for previous versionsof current document right from SSMS environment. Search results can be compared to currently opened document with your favorite FileDiff tool, like WinMerge.Make sure you check Settings on this feature, to perform fine-tuning to your needs:Executed SQL Statements History.

SSMSBoost saves executed statements along with information about execution results to local folder.This feature allows you to find queries that you run in the past and reuse them again. This can help you to recover valuable scripts or analyze youractions on specific database. You should be familiar with those moments, when your customer asks for 'same report but for last year' just after you haveclosed your temporary script without saving it. Well - now you can recover your work and re-use it.This feature can be configured in SSMSBoost Settings-Script Execution History.You can define storage path, file naming template + a couple of other fine-tuning options.Use History-Find in Execution History to search through archived statements.Workspaces. Workspaces solve the problem, when you have to open some set of files connected to individual databases. If you have changing tasks/customers, it might bereasonable to create own Workspace per customer, so it will be easy to load all scripts connected to right databases at right time. You can see Workspacesas, but with the possibility to give a Name to the Session and save it for a long time.You will find Workspaces under SSMSBoost Menu-Workspaces, as well on the SSMSBoost toolbar.These are main features of Workspaces:.


Named set of documents. Own pre-set connection per documentVertical Guidelines. There is always a possibility to accidentally execute UPDATE or DELETE statement without WHERE clause, ruining the data.Yes, in theory, it should never happen, backups should exist, triggers and foreign keys should stop deadly modification, but in reality additional protection cansave you hours or work, or, maybe even your job;)Fatal Actions Guard parses scripts executed in SSMS and checks for potentially dangerous statements, like DELETE or UPDATE with missing WHERE clause, or usage orTRUNCATE statement, which bypasses delete triggers. To get an overview about the feature, open SSMSBoost settings and search for 'Fatal actions guard'.It is possible to configure what will happen if critical statements are found: should execution be stopped or should user be able to continue, confirming his intentions.You can also exclude particular tables from this check ('Exclude table names').

Further, you can enter custom tokens, that will cause following actions, if found:. 'ask' token - will force SSMSBoost to ask user for execution confirmation. For example, if you add '#checklater' token in 'ask' tokens list and will startadding it to your scripts, SSMSBoost will keep asking you for execution confirmation, until you delete all these tokens. This can be practical, if you are working on somescript and want to mark some critical places, that should be verified. 'prohibit' token - pretty the same logic as 'ask' token, only SSMSBoost will not allow you to run the script at all. You can add it to script files, that are not intended forblind execution.

Sometimes system administrators collect frequently used commands in one script, and it can be fatal if someone just executes that file. 'magic unblocking' tokens allow you to disable execution guard for some particular script. For example, if you often use 'full wipe' script to initialize yourtest database and use TRUNCATES there, just add #breakingbad in settings and then add this token as a comment to your script. Execution Guard will be disabled for that particular file.Run selected script as Database Query (.dqy) in Excel. Microsoft Excel has a perfect possibility to run direct database queries and use results for furtherprocessing: as simple data table, as base for Pivot tables and Charts. However, there are some clicks to do, before you get your query executed in Excel.SSMSBoost adds 1-click functionality to complete this:.

Select query, that you want to export for execution in Excel. Execute SSMSBoost Menu-Query-Run in MS Excel command. SSMSBoost will create Database Query (.dqy) file, passing selected SQL Statement and current connection information. File is now passed to Excel for further processing.

It might be necessary to adjust security settings in Excel to allow processing of '.dqy' filesNote: Excel has some rules, that your query must fulfill. You will find detailed documentation on the Internet, but to keep it short: it must be single SQL query, returning one dataset.IMPORTANT: Make sure you check SSMSBoost Settings-Database Query (.dqy) for fine-tuning options.

For SQL Server native authenticationSSMSBoost can export connection password in clear text form, which might be a big problem, if you are going to give.dqy file to other persons. And yes - this is aworkaround how to restore forgotten SQL Password for some connection, that is still present in your recent connections list.Intellisense Completion Fix.

Excel has a perfect function, which allow users to select several cells and see their SUM in the status bar.Well, SSMSBoost adds even more advanced Aggregates functionality to Results Grid:All you need to do is to select a range of cells. SSMSBoost activates Aggregates windows and starts displaying aggregates. By clickingcheckboxes below the calculated results you can select which aggregates to calculate: SUM, MIN, MAX, COUNT, COUNT NULLS, DISTINCT COUNT, AVG.Please note, that some aggregates are data type-specific and will not be calculated (like there is no SUM for Strings).Aggregates window, like most of otherSSMSBoost windows is dockable floating pane, which can be docked in SSMS environment like any other window. You have to size/dock it when it appears for thefirst time.There are some fine-tuning options available under SSMSBoost Settings-Grid Aggregates. Make sure you check them and choosebest settings for your usage case.Query Post-Execution handlers. Whenever execution of last SQL batch leaves open transactions, SSMSBoost will show floating information window with the reminder.There will be one reminder window shown per SQL Editor tab.

Reminder can be closed or will close itself when @TRANCOUNT reaches 0.Feature re-uses native SSMS functionality, that checks open transactions whenever you try to close SQL Editor window with open transactions.Due to this fact we do not show number of open transactions (native function returns only 'yes' or 'no').You can always check number of open transactions using SELECT @TRANCOUNT statement.You can disable this functionality in SSMSBoost settings-Transactions guardCreate simple macros in SSMS re-using existing commands. SSMSBoost add-in allows you to combine existing SSMS commands (and also commands of other add-ins) and create this way simple macros.

The best example are 2 macros that wehave already created for you:Execute to Grid - executes statements and outputs results to Grid paneExecute to Text - executes statements and outputs results to Text paneFor example, Execute to Grid is created as a sequence of 2 existing SSMS commands:Query.ResultsToGrid and Query.Execute. When macro is created, you are free to assign shortcuts and place the button on the toolbar to speed up the access to the functionality.If you are looking for the easy to read list of all commands, available in SSMS, use our feature.For your reference we have listed all SSMSBoost commands on the separate Settings page named 'Commands'. Along all available commands you see assigned shortcuts and can easily redefine them.Be creative, help yourself!Manage keyboard shortcuts. Note: this functionality is present in SSMS Versions 2008-2014 only.Users of SSMS 2016 and later versions do not need this feature and can use internal shortcuts editor connected with ourfunctionality.

Additionally, in SSMS Versions starting from 2016, SSMSBoostdisplays full list of own commands under Settings-Commands, displaying assigned shortcuts and allowing to set new ones.In SSMSBoost for SSMS versions 2008-2014 Shortcuts management is merged with Macros functionality, which allows you to create sequencesof commands with assigned shortcut. If you want to assign a shortcut to a single command (SSMSBoost or any other command), simply create a macro containing singlecommand and assign it a shortcut.SSMS Commands dump. SSMS environment has a technical name for every function/command it offers on the toolbar and in menus.Additionally, all installed add-ins and extensions register their functions in SSMS environment as well. Using our commands dump you can get a list of all functions,registered in your SSMS instance and, for example, perform a quick search for functionality, that you are interested in. This saves a lot of time if you are lookingfor some specific functionality. Additionally, SSMSBoost outputs associated shortcuts, if associated.You will find this command under SSMSBoost Menu-Tools-Dump SSMS CommandsUpdate Checker.

You can stay notified about new product updates.Open SSMSBoost Settings-Update checker and configure your preferences.Miss your favorite feature?If you would like to see your feature proposal implemented in our add-in, please do not hesitateto contact us via e-mail:(5)upp(0)rt(at)(5)(5)m(5)b(0)(0)st(dot)c(0)m or using our.We are constantly improving our SSMS plug-in and a big part of the functionality is based on user proposals and feedback that we receive.Sincerely yours,SSMSBoost team.