Best Smash 4 Modpack

Best Smash 4 Modpack 4,8/5 6654 reviews

US Current Version: v1.0.1EU Current Version: v1.0.1​ As of December 9th, 2016, support and updates for this mod pack have been dropped. The most recent versions will remain for download indefinitely, so feel free to keep using them.Link leads to Github, which contains the download links for the 'Full Pack' and the 'Music Only Pack.' Be sure to download the version made for your region!Installation is simple. Just copy the 'patch' and 'sound' folders into the '144F00' folder on your SD card, and load them up using SD Cafiine.

  1. Best Smash 4 Modpack K 2017
  2. Smash 4 Ultimate Modpack

About the Mod Pack:​This collection features character, stage, and music modifications made by many members of the Super Smash Bros. Modding community.The purpose of this mod pack is to expand the experience of Super Smash Bros. For Wii U, as well as showcase some of the best work of the Super Smash Bros. Modding community. To that end, this mod pack does not replace any content in the base game or DLC. All new costumes, songs, and stages are added as additional slots, as to not undo any of original game.


Furthermore, nothing has been done to change balance of the game - all characters will retain their move sets as of the most recent official patch.The first release of the mod pack focuses on additional music, and includes over 250 additional songs. While I did include a generous amount of additional costumes, the custom costume scene is still young. The quality and stability of mods was key to their inclusion, so at this time there are not as many in my mod pack as you will see in some other packs out there.It is my hope that this mod pack makes it easier for people hoping to delve into the world of Sm4sh mods. Everything in this pack is intended to be the highest-quality, and easy to use. I've also left the for this mod pack open to cloning, in case anyone wants to incorporate these mods into their own personal builds. Additional Music:​When adding new music, I really tried hard not to let my bias get in the way, otherwise Moon from DuckTales Remastered would be on EVERY STAGE. I wanted to add songs that I felt fit well with a stage.

I also aimed to add songs that should have been put in, in the first place (One-Winged Angel on Midgar, anyone?)There are currently over 260 additional songs in this mod pack. For those interested in just custom music, I have made a 'Music Only' version of the modpack, available. Future Plans:​As of now, I'm stepping out of the Wii U Modding community. While I will still check in every now and again, I'm not planning on continuing updates or providing support for my mod pack.

The mod pack will remain available for download indefinitely, so feel free to continue using it! GoogieHax will stay up indefinitely as well.Q: Why are you leaving?A: Simply, the community just isn't what I expected. I was hoping for something more along the lines of the days of KC:MM and Brawl mods, and I just never got that feeling from the present Sm4sh Modding community. Also, things like work, starting a family, and other vidya interests have left me very little time to dabble in Sm4sh modding, and I really don't like doing things half-assed, so I've opted to devote the time elsewhere.Thanks to everyone who supported and enjoyed using the mod pack I've thrown together. Other Stuff:​This mod pack is open source, meaning anyone can download the base files and create their own mod-pack with it.

If you wish to use this modification pack, whether for game play enhancement or to include in your own mod pack, please be sure to keep the credits intact. Countless hours were put not just by those who had a direct hand in building this mod pack, but also by those who created the skins, stages, and music contained within. Giving credit where credit is due takes almost no effort! Q: What region(s) does this work on?A: As of, the Googie Sm4sh Mod Pack now works on both US and EU versions of the game. HUGE shoutout to for porting the modpack to EU.Q: What if I want to just have custom music?A: Click the download link above, and select 'Music Only Pack' from the list of download links for that release.Q: Are these mods Wi-Fi safe?A: Mostly.


Music and stages are all currently Wi-Fi Safe. Most characters are too, EXCEPT for model-swapped characters.Q: Will using these mods get me banned?A: They won't get you banned from online (as far as I know), but don't be a doofus and post screenshots on Miiverse to show off. Should you get banned, I take no responsibility. Modding is technically against the Big N's rules, so if they catch you and decide to punish you, that's on you.Q: Why isn't this on (insert mod site)?A: File size, and other reasons.Q: Why isn't (insert song/skin/stage) in here?A: If I didn't include something, the most likely reason is either that the mod is unfinished (missing icons, ect), I don't know about the mod, or the mod has bugs that make cause any number of issues. Or, I didn't implement it because it couldn't be added as additional content. (I won't be adding anything that requires me to REPLACE an existing skin/song/stage)Q: Does this mod unlock the DLC?A: You should already own the DLC and game (either digital or physical) in order to get the complete experience from this mod pack. I cannot promise proper functionality if you are missing the DLC content.Q: This mod pack sucks!

Best Smash 4 Modpack K 2017

You didn't include (insert song/skin/stage) and it doesn't play like Melee!A: That's not a question, but to each their own. I can't please everyone, and this mod pack is just one of many out there. I encourage you to try them all and see what you like best, or to take what I've created and put your own spin on it. Click to expand.Good for you! Make sure you get the latest version!Good news everyone!A new version has just been released, v0.9!

Included are handful of skins for several characters, including almost 15 new costumes for Sonic! I've also added in a few requests, such as Brawl Ike, True Dark Bowser, and some custom music.

Best Smash 4 Modpack

Smash 4 Ultimate Modpack

Hopefully with the long weekend coming up, I can get to work on starting the first of several 'booster' packs, which will include a large amount of music from a couple of categories.Be sure to snag the most recent download, the link for which is at the top of the OP! Hope you can get your hands on a bigger SD card, because all three of those songs are in the most recent release!I'll look into this, but I think this is probably an issue I'll have to bring up with the mod's developer. I have the same issue with Melee Fox at the moment.