Joker Arkham Knight Costume

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  1. Joker Arkham Knight Costume For Kids

— The Joker in Arkham Knight”The Joker is an insane, homicidal supervillain, and the arch nemesis of. His white skin, green hair and blood red lips belied the chaotic nature that underlay his cartoonish appearance. The extremely intelligent self-styled 'Clown Prince of Crime' had no superpowers beyond a capacity for incredible violence and a skill at creating deadly mayhem, and frequently concocted elaborate schemes to entrap his nemesis.He serves as the main antagonist of Arkham Origins and Arkham Asylum, is one of the main antagonists of Arkham City, is one of the prominent antagonists of Arkham Knight, and can be considered the central antagonist of the Arkham series overall. Contents HistoryThe Joker's exact origin is a mystery, barring that Batman was somehow involved. He revealed a possible story to Dr. In and to Professor in: once he had been a failed stand-up comedian who worked night shifts at in a feeble attempt to support his sickly wife and their unborn child. They died just before the night that he helped a gang of thieves from break into the Ace Chemicals plant, disguised as the infamous Batman interrupted the heist, resulting in the would-be criminal falling into a vat of unidentified chemicals.

Washed out of the plant he removed his disguise to find they had disfigured his entire body, giving him chalk white skin, green hair and his face a clown like appearance. Driven insane by this series of events he embraced it, believing that the greatest joke of all is that humanity is only 'one bad day' away from total insanity.Strange refuted this story however, claiming the Joker had probably fabricated it to avoid taking responsibility for whatever his actual actions had been and noting the clown had told at least ten different origin stories during his career. Joker admitted that even he didn't remember what happened and that the various stories were inspired by a friend who once told him: 'if you're gonna have an origin story, it may as well be multiple choice.' It was entirely possible that this too was a lie.Other versions of the story, told to Dr., included being born in a small fishing village with thwarted aspirations of joining the circus and being the son of a police officer who was slain by the mob. The Red Hood persona, the Ace Chemical break in and Batman's presence seem to be the only consistent events in each retelling; the details of whether Batman threw the Red Hood into the vat, failed to prevent him from falling in or if the criminal jumped in to escape justice seemed to depend on Joker's mood at the time.Even the Joker's own insanity may be called into question, as it never impeded his intelligence, ruthlessness and ambition or prevented him from mastering chemistry to produce his various and gases. He may not have actually been insane, simply the purest kind of human evil.

However, only a true madman could find humor in the tragedies the Joker did and he at least once suffered intense visual hallucinations, visualizing Batman as a huge, winged monster during his second defeat at the hero's hands at Blackgate.Incident Reports Before Arkham Origins IncidentShortly after his transformation the Joker began scheming. Seeking to carve a name for himself in the Gotham underworld he began targeting Roman Sionis, AKA.

The crime lord's trademark mask would make for the perfect disguise and his, a front to manufacture drugs, came with all the resources needed to cook up deadly toxins and explosives. He may also have chosen Black Mask because of Sionis Steel's reputation for shady theme park construction appealing to his twisted sense of humor.

At some point Joker even acquired such a site by poisoning a real estate agent with a palm pin when they shook hands on the deal.Joker started his plans by stealing chemicals from Sionis' mill to manufacture explosives, attracting enough of the crime lord's attention to have him followed. Joker raised the stakes by stalking (one of) Roman's girlfriend(s),.

Joker Arkham Knight Costume For Kids

Unfortunately for Black Mask and his lover the Joker was waiting when Tiffany returned from grocery shopping. Just as Tiffany messaged Roman about the identity of her stalker, whom he dismissed as 'No one important', and begged him to come over, the Joker violently smashed her head into a counter and tied her to a chandelier.Ever paranoid, Black Mask had a body double enter the safe house as a diversion while he snuck in via the adjacent balcony. The Joker, waiting at a table, casually shot the double through the heart on sight. The real Black Mask then rushed from behind and tackled the Joker straight through his props, but the Joker rallied, overpowering Black Mask and restraining him. The Joker then used a Molotov cocktail to eliminate evidence and tortured Black Mask by giving him a choice: watch Tiffany burn to death or shoot her to put her out of her misery.

Black Mask chose the latter and the Joker dragged the struggling crime lord out with him.The Joker in Arkham Origins “. — Joker, posing as Black Mask”The Joker kept Sionis alive to access the bio-metric locks of the and take the fall, if Joker didn't feel like killing him first. The next several days were spent holding the former Black Mask captive and torturing him to reveal every detail about himself. Using these details, Joker disguised himself as the crime lord and took complete control of his gang, resources and power. Any slip-ups and out of character activity were put down to Black Mask sampling his own product.Soon the Joker had killed or turned gang members as he saw fit, ordering the survivors to place explosives in the sewers directly beneath significant skyscrapers.

Then there was the matter of Batman. When not focusing on his other plans, 'Black Mask' contacted eight of the world's deadliest assassins to compete for a $50 million bounty he placed on the vigilante's head. One early attempt was carried out by, using some of Black mask's men to lure Batman to the docks.

However, thanks to interference from fellow assassin, Batman escaped into the night. 'Black Mask' surveyed the damage and informed Deathstroke he'd had his chance but the night was still young. As a wounded henchman caught in wreckage from Deathstroke's explosive ambush begged for help, the Joker casually picked up a burning beam and began to beat the man to death.As the big night neared, 'Black Mask' had his men abduct Warden from and brought to his hideout. There, he casually burnt out one of the warden's eyes and threatened to slaughter his entire family if security wasn't lowered on the night that the recently captured was to be executed.Arkham Origins Incident'Tell me something, dear.

Have you ever had a really bad day?' — Joker's ominous promise to Commissioner Lobe and all of Gotham”On the Joker made his move. As Black mask he staged an all out attack on Blackgate Prison with dozens of his men and, who was one of his assassins. Murdering dozens of guards and releasing just as many inmates 'Black Mask' took Commissioner hostage, announcing that there would be a 'clean slate' and some big changes for Gotham that night. Joker had Croc drag Loeb off while he and his crew released Calendar Man from the execution chamber, though Joker was tempted to kill Calendar Man as the situation was almost too perfect to pass up. Instead he settled for the irony of switching the roles around, leaving Loeb to be gassed to death in Calendar Man's place.While making his way to the roof, Joker spotted one of the 's drones following them and ordered Croc to smash it and retrieve its memory card so he could see just how much the Penguin had managed to learn. To his irritation Croc only managed the former.

As 'Black Mask' made his exit via helicopter Croc got his chance to make up for it when he caught Batman's scent, staying behind to duel the vigilante and claim the bounty.Batman subdued Croc, escaping the police in his and leaving the cannibal killer to them. To slow the vigilante down 'Black Mask' turned to the and hired, the head of the GCPD's Cyber Crime Division and secret master hacker, to broadcast a jamming signal to interfere with the Batwing and brought corrupt SWAT leader in on the bounty.

Both were completely unaware of the explosives beneath their headquarters.As the night wore on Batman defeated Deathstroke and, learned about the Lacey Towers affair from the Penguin, broke into the GCPD to hack into the National Criminal Database, discovered the bombs under Gotham and deduced that the Joker was using Sionis to break into the Gotham Merchant's Bank. 'Black Mask' was busy too, ordering his men to cause as much chaos as possible while he took over the Gotham and converted the ballroom into a death trap with materials from his theme park, also rigging a portion of the hotel to explode on midnight of New Year's Day via bombs disguised as snowmen. Finally, he stole an ambulance so he could bust into the Merchant's Bank with Sionis at the stroke of midnight and begin his new reign at the very start of Christmas Day.“. — The Joker verbally sparring with Batman for the very first time.”Just as 'Black Mask' and his crew were about to make off with the loot, Batman made an explosive entrance by literally blowing up the ceiling and dropping onto two goons. Only the presence of a captive Roman Sionis and the strangely hysterical kept the vigilante at bay. His deception discovered, the Joker abandoned the Black Mask disguise and came face-to-face with his nemesis for the first time since the Ace Chemicals Incident.' It's been you this whole time.'

Batman tried to negotiate the release of the bank manager since the Joker 'had' him. The Joker was unimpressed with the offer, firing several bullets into the vigilante's armor before he tossed him the bank manager. He fled the scene with Sionis and several million dollars in the back of his ambulance, and detonated bombs rigged to the vault. Though Batman managed to escape the trap the bank manager died, one of the first victims of Joker Toxin. While skeptical that even Batman could live through the explosion the Joker still sent in a handful of to sweep the building.

Batman subdued all of them, interrogating the last one.Amazed that Batman could survive both his gunshot wounds and the explosion, Joker nevertheless remained in cheerful spirits as he embarked on the next phase of his plan. While the vigilante investigated Sionis's steel mill, freed the real Black Mask and confronted, the Joker headed for the Gotham Royal to call a meeting with the remaining assassins. Still disguised as Black Mask, he ordered Branden and SWAT to keep the police and the media away from the scene.

After tracking down the electronic signal from the Electrocutioner's, Batman infiltrated the hotel and dispensed Joker's men just in time to hack into the security feed and watch the meeting.“. — Joker's orders to the assassins”Disguised as Black Mask, the Joker had commandeered the hotel's Penthouse and was catching the assassins up on the night's events and his displeasure. The night was almost over and 'Bat Deaths' were 'coming in far below projections'.


The Electrocutioner was more engrossed in his phone, ignoring the lecture. Displeased with the thug's attitude Joker dispensed with the Black Mask disguise altogether, surprising the assassins. Declaring himself the man with the money he asked if 'Mr. 'cutioner' had anything else to contribute; getting no response he kicked the assassin's swivel chair out a window, sending him plummeting to his death.' This fruit cake is fantastic! Anyone want a piece?' Taking the hint, the remaining assassins headed out into the night to find Batman, except for who knew that he would be coming for the Joker.

This macho posturing amused the Joker, who settled in to wait. He didn't have to wait long.Procuring Electrocutioner's Shock Gloves Batman used them to manipulate the hotel's electronics, dispatch Joker and Bane's, rescue the hotel employees and navigate through Joker's makeshift carnival attractions. All this greatly disturbed Batman as he turned each corner to find a new level of the Joker's madness, including the converted Ballroom.The Joker stayed in touch with Batman through rigged TV sets and the hotel's P.A. System the entire time, mocking the vigilante and claiming he'd done more to eliminate crime in two days than Batman had in two years.

Despite the apparently fool-proof measure of not building an exit into the ballroom trap, Batman was able to fashion one with his and resume his progress through the hotel. An annoyed Joker temporarily ended their one-sided conversation so he could 'shoot the architect'. Whether the goon heard begging over the speakers actually was the architect is unclear, but the Joker ignored his pleas and shot him.To Joker's mock-horror, Batman eventually found his 'snowman bombs' but was unable to disarm them.

Accelerating the countdown the clown laughed at the prospect of 'watching the fireworks early', forcing the vigilante to dive out of a window to evade the impending explosion.“. — Joker 'comforts' Batman over the bodycount”When Batman finally arrived at the penthouse, Bane went to work. He brutally pulled the vigilante down through the elevator roof and hurled him through the Penthouse doors to Joker's lounging feet. The Joker's one caveat before Bane finished the job was time to speak to his target: he had his hand on the detonator to the explosives under the Royal Hotel if the giant didn't keep his word. Bane gave him one minute.

After regaling Batman with an anecdote about his childhood tradition of opening one present each on Christmas Eve, the Joker detonated a nearby building. Furious, Batman grabbed him, demanding to know how many lives the clown had just taken.

The Joker gleefully revealed that the building was merely a construction site. Batman slammed his enemy into the adjacent table overturning several of the unused detonators. Grabbing one the Joker teased that it wasn't as harmless as the last. Pushed to his limit, Batman destroyed the detonator and began to beat the Joker.

The clown kept laughing, right up until Bane returned and sent the vigilante falling into a library below them.' Now this is what I call a party!' Batman held his own until Bane used his induced strength to toss him through another window and onto the snowy penthouse balcony. The Joker had a ring side seat to the battle, offering colorful commentary the entire time. However his fun was interrupted by the arrival of police choppers.

Had tipped off a killjoy called about the Royal Hotel and the police were closing in for real. Bane decided to leave.

This didn't sit well with the Joker who opened fire on Bane's escape chopper with a machine gun. Bane returned the favor with a bazooka.The Joker remained completely unphased by this, even spreading his arms wide as if to welcome an end to his insanity. Bane's missile missed the clown himself but exploded right behind him, the force hurling him off the balcony. Batman dove after the Joker, catching him in mid-air. Even though it would doom them both the Joker attempted to punch the vigilante. Batman countered and subdued him with a headbutt.Even with falling debris knocking it loose, Batman's was able to slow their fall enough that they survived by crashing through the Hotel Lobby's glass dome. They were instantly surrounded by two of Joker's surviving men, guns trained on Batman.

To show the vigilante just how 'insane' saving his life was the Joker shot both men and cited that they had done unspeakable things and were deserving of death just as he was before putting his gun on himself. Batman disarmed and subdued him just as Branden and his SWAT team burst in, still intent on collecting the bounty. Batman escaped in the Batwing and left the Joker in Captain Gordon and custody.

While manhandling the maniac into the back of a squad car, Bullock assumed the Bat and the Clown were partners to Joker's consternation.“. — Intern Quinzel misunderstands the Joker talking about Batman”'What a pretty name.

Do your friends call you Harley?' Joker was sent to Blackgate where a psych intern began questioning him to determine his mental condition.

Sensing she was sympathetic the Joker feigned interest; in reality he'd retreated into delusion recounting all the factors in his creation-the failed stand-up act, the ACE Chemicals break in and that first confrontation with a seemingly monstrous Batman.At that point Joker came to realize that Batman was created just like he was: from one bad day. He now felt a connection to the hero and believed that it was fate for them to meet.

The intern thought he was talking about her, telling him her name was Harleen. Joker told her it was pretty and that he was willing to be her friend. Drawn to him Harley stroked his arm, falling under the Joker's influence.While Batman hunted down Bane and, the Joker (possibly tricking Quinzel into releasing him) instigated another riot at Blackgate, taking complete control of the facility. The only inmate that he didn't release was Deathstroke, since a professional killer like him probably couldn't see the funny side to being a pawn in a game in order to take control of Gotham. After he responded to the riot, Batman fought his way through the prison to the Panopticon and found Joker holding Warden Joseph hostage with Bane at his side.The Joker laid out his ultimatum: Batman was forced to fight Bane to the death as Joker strapped himself, with a hostage Captain Gordon, to an electric chair that would automatically kill him unless a heartbeat monitor attached to the chair registered Bane's death. With seemingly no alternative Batman unleashed the full capacity of his Shock Gloves on Bane.

Satisfied that he'd forced his nemesis to break his one rule, the Joker left intent on detonating the bombs still placed around the city. He paused only to shoot Warden Joseph for calling him a freak, but Gordon took the shot with his bulletproof vest.“. — Joker explaining the punchline to Batman”'Most of my guys would have killed him.' Finding the entire night hilarious the Joker didn't make it very far and was forced to take shelter in the Prison Chapel until he could stop laughing. Tomb raider weapon parts. Batman caught up to him, an ecstatic Joker ready to become his next kill. Batman spoiled the joke by revealing that Bane was still alive.

Dismayed to learn the truth the Joker threw the heart monitor aside, punched Batman and held him at gunpoint. He rambled to Batman that they were not so different until Batman knocked the gun out of his hands, sending the Joker flying with a punch.

The Joker continued to goad Batman into killing him, cornered against a broken stain glass window, snatching up some shards and attempting to stab his enemy with them. Batman easily avoided the makeshift blades and continued to beat the Joker, even throttling him!Punch drunk with his nemesis throttling him, the Joker looked into the eyes of the monster that had made him what he was. And laughed.Then everything went black.' Stopped his heart.

That is funny. Good one, Bats.

Oh, this is going to fun!' The Joker came to strapped to a gurney and being wheeled back to his cell. Batman had overcome all odds and chosen to let him live yet again, which Joker found hysterical. He chose to see the funny side of the whole affair. He now believed he had a reason to be and the chance to top himself. This, he declared, was going to be 'FUN.'

Joker Arkham Knight Costume

'Later that evening, political activist made an appearance on the Show to announce his intentions to reopen Gotham's infamous in an effort to create a more secure facility to rehabilitate and secure the most dangerous criminals. In reality this was all a stunt for his mayoral campaign, and the plans of. Though he couldn't have known it, the Joker, through his actions and his very existence, had set in motion a chain of events that would push both Batman and himself.Arkham Origins Blackgate IncidentThree months after his big debut the Joker was at it again. A riot allowed him and fellow bosses Black Mask and Penguin to each take over a section of Blackgate. Using a series of tunnels that connected to a panic hatch in the Warden's Office, Joker captured Warden Joseph.

He took control of the Administration Building and had his men convert it into a fun-house themed fortress. He hired Deadshot again to act as an enforcer, unaware that the sniper was secretly tripling his earnings by cutting the same deal with his two rivals.“.

— The Joker reunited with Batman”The Joker in Arkham Origins BlackgateWhen Batman arrived at the Administration Building in an attempt to locate an underground supply tunnel that would let him access Penguin's turf in the Cell Blocks, he found the Joker waiting for him. Joker admitted that he hadn't finished his alterations to the building yet but Batman was more interested in threatening him for the Arkham Wing's codes. Joker brushed off the vigilante's bravado by revealing Warden Joseph was in the conference room, tied up with explosives.

Batman tried to rush up the staircase that Joker was standing on top of, only to be bowled over by explosives beneath it. Joker left the semi-conscious Dark Knight to focus on his alterations to the Warden's Office. He also shut off the ventilation to the Arkham Wing, endangering the hostages held there, or so Batman believed.