Kotor Ajunta Pall Sword Keep

Kotor Ajunta Pall Sword Keep 3,9/5 5616 reviews

I think it would be cool to have the sword unlock like the HK-55 companion. A story line of quests were you have to follow Revan's trail then scan search when you find it's resting location.I agree and I like that idea, but since SWTOR is runned like 5 ppl atm (not sure about the exact number), it easier for them just to make that sword a CM item and sell it for CC.That way we get what we want and they earn $ with not so much effort.Its kinda a win-win for everyone.It still bugging me that there's a full Ajunta set but there isnt his legendary double bladed sword in the game that was in 1st KOTOR game. Years later, they still havent made it. This page is not meant to keep you from following the link you've clicked on. It is just a warning that you are about to leave this website. To go to this page, click the link below.If you do not wish to follow this link, simply.The statements and opinions expressed on these websites are solely those of their respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the views, nor are they endorsed by Bioware, LucasArts, and its licensors do not guarantee the accuracy of, and are in no way responsible for any content on these websites.

Fallout new vegas or skyrim. Fallout 4 does the same but to a better degree, and generally just has much better written quest content and a bigger and more interesting world. Skyrim is just so dull. Fallout 4 by an incredible margin. I never understood the pretentious love for Skyrim, even worse everybody that Oblivion bashed but Oblivion was a far meatier game than Skyrim ever was, Skyrim nailed the mechanics but at the expense of everything else, they attempted to skimp out on content thinking auto-generated quests would make it all right but they were so shallow.

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Walkthrough: Korriban - FinalExamKorribanWalkthrough QuicklinksSo, you've gotten your prestige and are ready for yourfinal test. You can talk to Uthar Wynn at any time to catalyze the final eventshere.

But there are other side quests you might be interested in before we goahead and get the final Star Map.Side Quest: Wacky DroidIn the Valley of the Dark Lords, as you know,there are four tombs. These tombs mean a great deal to the Sith as alearning tool, amongst other things. The particular tomb located at thesouthwest corner of the valley is the tomb of Marko Ragnos.

Guarding thetomb (so to speak) is a young woman, a Sith Officer. As you talk to her,she'll tell you of what's inside the tomb - a droid that's gone completelycrazy. Any noise sets him off instantly. Not only is this droid roamingaround within, but the droid is guarded by droids of great power that hehimself has built. She lets you in if you want, but she suggests to findsomething to suppress the sound you will surely make within the tomb.Once inside the straight corridor leading up tothe tomb itself (which is basically immediately), you'll be attacked byliteral onslaughts of droids.

They are all weak and most can be killed inone or two swipes of your lightsaber. Just keep an eye on your health andkeep moving forward and forward and forward, killing droids as you go. Tryto keep an eye out for mines in the passageway as well, and disable them(or lure enemy droids into them) wherever possible. When you get to thedoor at the top of the corridor and all enemies are dead otherwise in thecorridor, do not go through the door.

Instead, turn around and run back tothe entrance of the tomb. You'll find a corpse of a Sith student there.

Onhim, amongst some goods and Credits, is an item called a Sound Dampening Stealth Unit. With that, wehave hope against the droid that is really crazy in this tomb.When you enter the tomb the droid is in with theSound Dampening Stealth Unit equipped (as in, have it equipped on yourmain character before going through the door at the top of the corridor),he greets you and instantly thanks you for having appreciation enough tolower your sound output. He continues on to tell you that the Sith builthim, and he is a prototype of the Mark VII Assassin Droid, builtspecifically to kill the Jedi. The Sith made him too smart, and he escapedand hid himself in this tomb, building droids out of the need to protecthimself further. You can kill him at any time (which will get you DarkSide points), or you can choose to help him, as I did. It won't only getyou Light Side points and experience, but the droid will give you somegoods to equip on your own droids in your party as well.He needs you to shut off everything on him in acertain order so that he can fix his internal programming and escape witha clear 'mind' in his possession. The order in which you need to shut hissystems off are below, although you can talk to him and get hints as towhat you need to shut off in what order if you need to.

Don't makemistakes, though. You make too many mistakes, and you will have no choicebut to fight this rather difficult-fighting droid to the death. Shut off his Combat Matrix. Shut off his MotorFunction Matrix. Shut off his Sensory Systems Matrix. Shut off his Memory Matrix. Shut off his Cognitive Systems.

Shut off his Emotional Construct Matrix. Shut off his Creative Simulation Matrix. Shut off his Core.From here, you can erase his assassinationprogramming and get Light Side points, or activate his self-destruct forDark Side points.

Remember, going Light Side gets you gear that you canuse on your own droids! I think you know what the right choice is. When heleaves, and you leave the tomb yourself, this side quest is over.Side Quest: Torturing a MandalorianWithin the Sith Academy, there is an interrogationroom.

This is a simplistic side quest to do, indeed. As you walk into theinterrogation room, the Sith interrogator will ask you if you want to tryto get the location of the imprisoned Mandalorian's weapons cache, becausehe can't get the right serum combinations down. If you're interested indoing this correctly, simply approach the computer terminal in the roomand do the following.


Activate the serum controls, and then. Inject truthserum: high dosage. Apply anti-serum:small dosage.

Inject truthserum: high dosageAfter doing the doses exactly as I listed above,talk to the Mandalorian and ask him where his weapon cache is. He'll tellyou, since the drugs have broken him, that they are on his ship in ahidden compartment. It's at that point that the Interrogator comes back inand tells you that your job is done and he'll take credit for theinterrogation. You can simply let this go, or kill the interrogator ifyou'd like. Perhaps you'd like to take the path down the Dark Side.Side Quest: A Sacred SwordIn the Valley of the Dark Lords, there are fourtombs. The tomb in the southeast corner is the tomb of a Sith Lord namedAjunta Pall.

Talk to the young Sith man next to the tomb (whose name isGalon Lor) and you'll learn much about Ajunta Pall. Apparently, he was agreat Sith who led the rebellion initially against the Jedi and helpedform the Sith to their true power. Although he died long ago, heapparently had a sword with incredible power. He was buried with thissword, and although attempts have been made by some students at the SithAcademy over the years, no one has been able to get past all of thecraziness inside of the tomb to get to the sword.

This will, of course, bethe goal of your excursion.As you enter the tomb, you'll find yourself in awide corridor with a lot of debris spread all over the place. Go forwardand through the door in front of you, and then forward some more. In thiscorridor, you'll come across an Average Plasma Mine you'll have todisengage so you can avoid being damaged before going through yet anotherdoor ahead of you, behind where the Mine was guarding. The door will belocked, so you'll have to pick it with your lock picks, combined with yourSecurity skill. Beyond that door, you will be attacked by some dog-likecreatures that are native to this tomb, and Korriban in general.

Whenyou've slain all of the dogs, search the Sith corpses located around thisarea to find goods and Datapads, which you can optionally read up on thesituation at hand, and what these now-dead Sith soldiers and students wentthrough.What you'll find is that there is a large pillarblocking the bridge that leads across the large chasm in front of you, andhence you can't get to the door there that leads further into the tomb.What you need to do is search that pillar and get to the 'item' screenwith it, noticing that there is no items in it. Now, press X on your Xboxcontroller and bring up your items that you can put into the pillar. Putin one Plasma Grenade, and this will make an automatic scene happen inwhich your party runs away from the pillar, and the pillar explodes,allowing you to go through.

SwordKotor Ajunta Pall Sword Keep

There is a catch, however - the four weakbattle droids across the chasm on another bridge will attack you. Killthem off before proceeding over the bridge. There, you'll find a lever.Pull the lever, and then go to the locked door ahead of you. Pick the lockand go through the door into the next area of the tomb.Go down this slanting corridor and disable theFlash Mine at the bottom of the corridor before the door. Then, go onthrough the door and approach the door on the ground in front of you,which covers up a Sith Coffin. In the coffin, as you will find, is aVibrosword, a Silver Lined Sword, and a Notched Steel Sword.

One of these is a veryimportant item indeed. Taking the swords out will trigger a cutscenehowever.The ghost of Ajunta Pall will appear.

This bluecolored ghost (like the ghosts of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker andYoda in the original Star Wars trilogy) will talk to you of some length.You can actually learn a great deal about the Sith, their origins on thisplanet, and that this particular guy is actually quite sorry for what hedid. Make sure to ask him plenty of questions until you've exhausted himof anything new you could possibly learn from him. Then, he'll tell you toplace the proper sword into the statue at the back of his tomb - if it'sthe right sword, you are allowed to live. If it's not, you die.The right sword to put in the statue is thenotched one. When you put it in, Ajunta Pall will again talk to you andlet you keep all of the swords. It's hard to avoid fighting him herehowever, the slightest remark can put him in a battle with you.

If thathappens, it's not a worry - kill him. Then go to leave the tomb, whereyou'll run into a student from the Sith Academy.

Tomb Of Ajunta Pall Locked

He'll want the sword fromyou as well. Kill him too, and search his body for hisgoods.Finally, we are ready to do our final test. Go into thecircular room within the Sith Academy and speak with Uthar Wynn. Tell him you'reready to go to the tomb of Naga Sadow, and you'll automatically be whisked there(after a load screen of course). It seems that one day has passed, and you'vearrived (automatically) at the tomb.

Due to the seriousness of this Sithinitiation, your party members (whichever two you have with you) are not allowed in the tomb with you, and you won't havetheir help. Once you enter, Yuthura and Uthar Wynn talk to you, tell yousomewhat what you can expect, and tell you that the lightsaber near the Star Mapat the back of the tomb is your ultimate target. Accept the mission and we'llget underway.Go up the short pathway ahead of you and through thedoor, further into the tomb. As you go down this downward-slanting pathway aheadof you, you'll run into enemies called Hulak Wraids. You'll likely engage theselarge (but easily defeated) enemies in the middle of the intersection in thistomb. Once they've all fallen, and your back is facing the way which you cameinto the tomb via, head left down that corridor, through the door, and into anew room there.

In this room, you will find some colorful electronics and othergoods that you will need to manipulate in order to solve the puzzle. Approachthe computer console at the back of this room.

Kotor Ajunta Pall Tomb

You need to transfer all rings tothe right pillar in the proper order.