Tabella Aperture Sax Soprano

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Saxophone Reed InformationHow do you choose what reed is right for you?As with much of the stock here at the large range of reeds caninitially be somewhat intimidating. In the face of so much choice, thequestion 'where to start?' Is often asked.First, changing your make of reed is not likely to produce any major overhaulof your sound. It's more about finding something that works well with your ownplaying technique rather than trying to let your reeds lead the way. If you playin a soft, controlled, classical style certain reed types will help (or hinder)whereas some reed types are designed to hold up well when a player’s approachrelies on maximum power and volume. Basically it’s all down to feel: does acertain reed type work with your playing or against it; do they feelcomfortable?The reed is fundamental to producing the sound.

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The saxophonist sets the reedvibrating and creates sound waves that pass through the neck and out of thesaxophone. The quality of each reed can greatly affect the tone that isproduced. The best reeds are made from cane which is grown in Southern France,benefiting from warm Mediterranean breezes. Each reed has a slightly differentcut, much like each piece of wood has a different grain, and even within a boxof the same make they can vary in consistency. Popular makes of reed areVandoren, Rico, Hemke & La Voz, and they benefit by being more consistent thanmost,enabling the saxophonist to produce a clear sound. Certain sizes of reedsuit certain sizes of mouthpiece. As a rule a narrow tip opening requires aharder reed, a wider tip opening a softer one.

Tabella Aperture Sax Soprano Music

But again this is merely a usefulguideline and as the sax player is developing he/she may find a preference for aparticular size or make of reed that is an exception to the rule. Reeds must bemoistened before use as this improves flexibility and the reed will have thebest chance of functioning correctly.

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Also to keep them flat and as fresh aspossible, investing in a reed holder is veryuseful. Recent developments includeFibracell synthetic reeds which although expensive can last far longer.Other practical issues are robustness and consistency. Certain makes ofsynthetic reed are available for exactly these reasons: one plastic reed is thesame as any other and they last significantly longer than any cane reed islikely to. However when they do finally stop working they go from playable tototally unusable almost immediately (hence, always carry a spare). Anotherfactor which favours synthetics is that they don’t need to be damped beforeplaying, so tend to be popular with instrumentalists who have to swap saxesfrequently during a gig. However, for the majority of players, cane reeds arethe ‘real deal’, give the authentic sound, and the search for just the right oneis all part of the ritual of playing the saxophone.One point about testing reeds: trying out one single reed of a specific type isuseful but, due to the variations within each box, to get the 'feel' of aparticular reed type it’s usually necessary to give two or three reeds a blow toreally get their character.

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Whereas your saxophone and mouthpiece are precisionengineered from metal and ebonite, reeds are cut from cane and vary noticeably,even within the same box.Reed Strength Chart.