Megapixel 10x Digital Zoom F=3.85mm Webcam Drivers For Windows 7

Megapixel 10x Digital Zoom F=3.85mm Webcam Drivers For Windows 7 4,4/5 2417 reviews

I took apart this $3 webcam from the dollar store. It has an EtronTech chip with the numbers eSP270D4 D4F105.11 printed on it. I took a high resolution scan of it because it was so tiny and hard to read.I still haven’t found drivers for it but I fear it’s just a dud. Like most cheap cameras that claim to be a Megapixel or more, it is in fact a 0.3 Megapixel CCD. That’s the same resolution as old televisions, and it’s quite blurry.

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  2. Megapixel 10x Digital Zoom F=3.85mm Webcam Drivers For Windows 7 32 Bit Download

It comes zoomed in. There’s no way to adjust the zoom. It’s just a zoomed in plastic lens screwed directly to the CCD. Unscrewing the back removes the lens from the CCD.Here’s a picture of the circuit board.

I’m amazed again, that you replied! 🙂I don’t know what I ‘taught’ you about it, but I’m happy I could give you any information about it, at all, that you didn’t already know. 😉I’ve also found the IC company online, and verified the controller chip inside this camera is JUST VGA. 640×480,no matter what resolution the imager used is.I tested the camera, on my Windows 8.1 PC, and mine, as well, is out-of-focus, with no way to adjust it.I used the built-in App on Win8.1 called ‘Camera’ to see how it worked.It’s recognized as a USB2.0 Camera, with the Microsoft driver in that OS.I’ve contacted the seller on the Amazon website, and told him they’re misleading the public saying it’s a 5 Mega-Pixel resolution sensor. All the Linux source code is already made 🙂It just needs to be compiled for the RT5350 chip inside it.The original poster on the OpenWRT site said what was needed in one of his posts on the second page, to put a camera ‘driver’ on the device.Since then, I’ve looked around, and found these on the web, dealing with stuff like this, but it’s not compiled. Awesome.!I’m sure you’ll be impressed with it.Maybe not so much the iPad App for it, but the router is impressive by itself.Until the company remakes the App, I hope you have one that can test-out the file server and streaming video functionality. Their App works, it’s just not playing all video file-types.

The older version did, but didn’t have the codec for all the audio streams (Dolby etc)If you have any questions on its setup or usage, just post here, or eMail me at the address I used for this blog.Looking forward to hearing your opinions about it. That IS odd.Either you received a bad unit, or you’re not setting it up correctly.Were you able to access the web User-Interface via the Ethernet port or wifi using instruction page sent with it, is a bit ‘unclear’ 🙂But the unit should at least let you see the web page style UIso you can make your settings.If you post a negative review on the Amazon site, the customer service rep may send you a free 2nd unit to try.You can send an eMail to them too, and they’ll respond with help on how to set it up.I can give ya some help too, if you need. It’s ‘bridge’ function is from the wired Ethernet usually to make a hotel’s single wired Ethernet become a wifi connection to more than one device.It will accept a wireless signal to bridge, but there’s a procedure, and it’s limited in its use with the stock firmware.

The switch near the micro USB power input plug plays a part in it, to open that option in the UI.So if you’re trying to have it ‘lock into’ your router via a wifi connection, that won’t work easily, with its stock firmware. But the OpenWRT is supposed to open that feature, allowing more bridging options too.I was trying to bridge my ISP’s wireless public HotSpot thru it, but was told by The HooToo tech, it doesn’t work that way with their firmwareBut with the OpenWRT, it’s supposed to be possible.Also If you change the network password, and your wireless device doesn’t re-connect to itYou may need to tell your device to ‘forget’ it’s past connection to it. Oops, sorryI guess I did misunderstand.The tech at the direct phone# I gave you, will let you know if there’s a fault with the device, or if it’s simply settings your not using correctly.They’re on the West Coast, so if you do call adjust your call-time for their time-zone. OreMail them at theBut the tech at the phone # may be quicker.I wish I could help further, but I’m not fully understanding your issue. 🙁If I connect my HooToo thru it’s Ethernet to my router, I do get wireless to my internet, but you may be trying something more sophisticated than I was using it for.I thought AP (Access Point) was like a standard router would be, but I guess I’m wrong.I’m sure, if their stock firmware doesn’t support your use, the OpenWRT will. The SoC chip used in it, is also used in many other standard routers too.Please keep me informed of your outcome. That’s great 🙂I wanted to post I found out the stock firmware treats the HooToo Ethernet port as a WAN, not LAN port.But the OpenWRT may be able to reprogram that, or bridge the LAN to the WAN port, if it’s a hardware wiring issue from the SoC.

(I’m not sure of that last statement though)I didn’t want to bother you about it anymore, here, unless you replied. I thought I may have caused you to purchase another wasted circuit, as the camera was to you.Anyway, if you need any info regarding the HooToo on-board serial console, let me know.I’m using micro-clips to attach the Prolific USB to TTL serial cable output wires, to the Nano, rather than soldering it to the board. I like keeping the original circuit clean of soldering stuff to itunless necessarybut that’s just me.If you flash the correct file to the Nano, you may not even need that serial cable. I got it because I originally thought I had ‘bricked’ the Nano, but didn’t realize it was supposed to connect directly to my computer (by Ethernet) instead of thru the router, and thought it wasn’t working as it should when I didn’t get the LuCI console up. 🙂I don’t think the other OpenWRT packages need the serial cable to program into the Nano, but I haven’t gotten that far to be sure.

Megapixel 10x digital zoom f=3.85mm webcam drivers for windows 7 32 bit download

There’s a LuCI section that allows adding more packages.You’ll see how much more you can do with it when you get the OpenWRT on it. I don’t fully understand it all, but was impressed by what options showed.Have fun.!I’ll be here, waiting to see what happened. Ean, the author (wingspinner), of that OpenWRT code for the HooToo Nano router, is back answering questions again.If you posted a question and haven’t logged-in for awhile, the site just sends one notification until you log-in won’t get any additional notifications after the first you received, if you post and someone else posted afterwards, before wingspinner answeredSo, if you’re still working on it, but was waiting for his reply to continue, now’s the time to ask him questions. That’s awesomeI’m glad you got it working the way you wanted it.I found out, with the OpenWRT installed, the WAN goes thru WiFi, and the LAN is ported thru the Ethernet port. (With stock firmware the Ethernet port is WAN only)wingspinner will be updating the code he made soon too.

I don’t know what he’ll add, but at least he’s back working on it again.When you get the camera functioning I’ll be here to try it too 🙂 Thanks for continuing with it.Did you learn the OpenWRT language, or just used what was available and compiled it again?No need to answer now, I was just curious. Hi Ean,I don’t know if you looked at wingspinner’s thread recently,But he posted how his original default trunk packages were altered by the OpenWRT ‘powers that be’ where it originally supported even USB cameras alreadymaybe the recent download of his files have this altered set of packages.(Post 67)Post 66 may be interesting to you too,Unless you’ve read them already.Here’s a summary of the latest post#67 Checking the latest trunk build it appears the OpenWRT powers that be arbitrarily removed all the default packages I had defined for the default build.

Megapixel Webcam 10x Digital Zoom Driver

My intent was to save users time by selecting all the correct kernel modules that made a complete system (i.e. Support for all the built-in hardware). What’s there now won’t do much for you. You can add them back in at run-time but it’s not as efficient in my opinion. Here is the original configuration for reference:define Profile/HT-TM02NAME:=HOOTOO HT-TM02PACKAGES:=wpad-mini kmod-ledtrig-netdev kmod-ledtrig-timer kmod-leds-gpio kmod-ledtrig-default-on kmod-usb-core kmod-usb-ohci kmod-usb2 kmod-usb-net usbutils kmod-scsi-core kmod-scsi-generic kmod-fs-ext4 kmod-usb-storage kmod-usb-storage-extras block-mount kmod-usb-serial kmod-usb-serial-ftdi kmod-gpio-button-hotplug kmod-nls-cp437 kmod-nls-iso8859-1 kmod-nls-utf8 luci luci-mod-admin-full kmod-app-samba luci-theme-openwrt luci-proto-relay relayd nano fstoolsendef.

Hi umesh (and Ean).I found an old USB 1.0 webCam I have, that I can remove the lens mounting assembly from, and may experiment with mounting it to this other camera but Ean is correct, it’s really limited to what can be done to ‘solve’ this issue.Is your image from this original tiny camera out of focus too?(Mine is)(My lens assembly is mounted by screws that can be removed, on both camera boards)This other lens-mount, w/ lens, is also focus-able.unlike the original tiny-camera mentioned on this blog.I’m more amazed you found this blog-site about this little camera. We three may be the only ones who purchased it.Ha Ha.!Search engines never cease to amaze me. Ohone last question.How do you like this little Nano-Router, now that it has OpenWRT on it?Does it do everything you wanted from it?By the wayThe paths of the packages, that get loaded by LuCI, has changed.

It needs to be corrected in the LuCI config section page, so it knows where to look online.(They added ‘generic’ between the /ramips/packages/)Here’s a part of the post mentioning it on the thread made by wingspinner from the OpenWRT, in case you never saw it.—“It appears that the default path to the packages as of 2/8/15 no longer matches the path in the 42649 image file.The GENERIC folder is missing. The new paths are as follows:src/gz chaoscalmerbasesrc/gz chaoscalmerlucisrc/gz chaoscalmermanagementsrc/gz chaoscalmerpackagessrc/gz chaoscalmerroutingsrc/gz chaoscalmertelephony”—The entire thread is here (Starting at page 1). I like it fine. It’s a configurable little network device. That’s all I really wanted.

I used to have some ASUS tiny device about the same size but a little longer and I gave it to an ex. So I wanted a replacement in case I travel, really.Re: the folder issue – I noticed that too. I updated my Asus RT-N10+ (b) router to OpenWRT from an old DD-WRT build and to get opgk to work I had to edit /etc/opkg.conf and change it to /ramips/generic/packages/ as well.Seems like someone deleted all of the package folders at OpenWRT for some reason.

Megapixel 10x Digital Zoom F=3.85mm Webcam Drivers For Windows 7 32 Bit Download

Fairly careless! Why not create a symlink so you don’t break everything!. I’m not worried, I have a Willem EPROM programmer, (v4.1) and wingspinner said he was able to program the chip ‘in-circuit’ (without needing to remove it) using one of those 8-pin clips that connect around the chip leads.(Sold on eBay from China for around $8 or less)If it turns out the chip is dead on one of its cells, I found places selling new ones.If I do need to replace it, I may get the 16 MB version.Wingspinner verified he was able to upgrade it to a 16 MB chip. Just the RAM can’t be upgraded to 64 MB because there’s no provision for it (trace line) to support the extra memory blocks, on the board.But the EPROM does work for 16 MB.Very strange though, how it screwed up. 🙂I still have things to try with it first. Amazing!I was able to get back into the 1st seemingly bricked TM02, and use LuCI to reload the original working config I had.Stupid me, forgot I had my PC set with a static IP to my router.OKno harm.!

🙂I still don’t know why the BootLoader didn’t finish the boot sequence, and made it look like it was bricked.Even with the second TM02, the boot sequence finished, and loaded the Ethernet driverseven though my PC still had that static IP set on it.When I saw that one also didn’t connect to my PC thru Ethernet, that’s when I remembered I had the static IP set on my PC 🙂 Oy.!I was ‘almost’ hoping it WAS brickedit would’ve given me an excuse to get the 16MB ROM replacement. Wingspinner said the 16MB ROM gives more room to load the packages to do more with the TM02.I don’t know how much RAM is needed, using the 8MB ROM, but if there’s actually 32MB’s of RAM, and not much extra is needed as a ‘scratch-pad’ of memory, using the 8MB ROM, then there’s actually much more room left in RAM to fill-up with code, during the boot sequence, using more ROM space.Eventually, when I figure-out all this stuff, I’m going to see how much coding (packages) I can put on there. Eventually I may get a 16MB ROM just to test.Wingspinner did say, though, that something in the configuration needed to be altered in the firmware to accept a higher ROM size.I’ll need to see what he mentioned about it in his thread. But for now, I’ll leave the 8MB ROM on there.🙂. Hi Ean, I think this is making me insane 🙂Every time I try this it shuts down the wifi signal on the TM02Let me tell you my config on my home router setup.My router already has a different IP other than the one on the TM02.

Do I still need to change the one defaulting to on the TM02?Also, my router has the MAC filter on to only allow MAC#’s listed to connect.I’m sure that must also be playing some part in this.I even tried bridging the WiFi HotSpot of my ISP.Their HotSpots are Open with no encryption, but I can’t connect to that either My settings still make the TM02 lose the wifi output signal, shutting it off.I think I just don’t understand what I’m supposed to do.Like a brain freeze to all this. 🙂When I try to create a client, that’s when the wifi shuts off from the TM02I’m obviously not comprehending this router bridge stuff. SUCCESS!!!Don’t ask me how I got itcause I’m still trying to figure out what I didbut I have it bridging my ISP’s WiFi HotSpot to my PC’s Ethernet port.Maybe after I figure out what worked, I’ll attempt to try it with my home router 🙂I DID need to uncheck the line that says it will replace wireless configuration unless that check-box is UNCHECKED.Un-checking it created a new wireless connection?(I don’t knowbut my ISP’s login screen came up on my PC)WOW!!Bless my stupid brain.Now I need to see how I did it 😀Comments are closed. Post navigation.